old people homes jobs
   Luohu District, joy choir members have an average age of over 60 years old, the usual singing, practice your voice, life is pretty comfortable. However, the most recent period, they want the same as primary school homework back but also to the teacher scoring, doing a good job also redo. This allows them to feel both fresh and nostalgic.
"The last time got 58 points did not pass." Who lives in Luohu District, the Jinpeng community of gold Honggang 58-year-old, this is her third visit to the choir school. From the the Jilin home after retirement, Jinhong Steel with children came to Shenzhen in life, learned, Luohu District, cultural centers, have a happy chorus, she excitedly ran to participate. Every Tuesday after class, the teacher will assignments, Jinhong Steel is nose to the grindstone, home to wear reading glasses and spent two or three hours to finish the job.

Yesterday afternoon, in Luohu District, cultural centers, choir rehearsal, the macro steel holding his newly written job, this does not pass, must have 100 points.

According to reports, the choir has been set up for five years, the members also sang many songs, but most people do not have basic knowledge of music. See this situation, the teacher responsible for teaching Yang Lihao system for everyone to talk about music theory, back to homework after class. "Every time after class, I can see from their faces happy." Said Yang Lihao addition to homework, so that everyone excited, the choir of the old people happy, everything here is free. Luohu District, cultural centers, free space, music, piano, a teacher teaching. Chorus more than 80 key members of Suiqian the elderly, their economy is relatively more difficult. Printing a few song sheet although a few dollars, but the long term is also cost a small fortune. "Said choir member of Zhuangqiu Yan, cultural centers, lifted everyone's worries, Suiqian old people are very happy for placing a school, each time just on the End of a class to look forward to next Tuesday arrival.